Today I started using Epitalon (Freeze dried Protein Peptide) and I am the first to take it in my country. The Epitalon regulates cell function by triggering the production of telomerase, which will repair the telomeres, allowing the cells to become young again and to produce other cells.
Long telomeres will also help correct errors in DNA during cell division and prevent cellular degeneration.
Epitalon is very expensive (430 U.S. dollars for two bottles). I am going to write in the future about the results. Unfortunately, I didn’t follow the directions of use. Instead of removing the second cap, fill with sterile water (distilled water or reverse osmosis non-mineralized water) to the first mark on the left side of the vial’s label. Replace the cap and swirl the mixture until the powder is totally dissolved and removing the cap again and fill to the second line with wine.
I didn’t swirl the mixture until the powder was totally dissolved and immediately I filled the vial with wine and also I surpassed the second mark. But I don’t want to throw it away and I started taking it doubling the recommended amount to finish the first bottle in less time and start the second bottle following the directions. So, for the moment, let’s see whether there will be any results after these mistakes of mine
Long telomeres will also help correct errors in DNA during cell division and prevent cellular degeneration.
Epitalon is very expensive (430 U.S. dollars for two bottles). I am going to write in the future about the results. Unfortunately, I didn’t follow the directions of use. Instead of removing the second cap, fill with sterile water (distilled water or reverse osmosis non-mineralized water) to the first mark on the left side of the vial’s label. Replace the cap and swirl the mixture until the powder is totally dissolved and removing the cap again and fill to the second line with wine.
I didn’t swirl the mixture until the powder was totally dissolved and immediately I filled the vial with wine and also I surpassed the second mark. But I don’t want to throw it away and I started taking it doubling the recommended amount to finish the first bottle in less time and start the second bottle following the directions. So, for the moment, let’s see whether there will be any results after these mistakes of mine
How did you go?