Guide to Perfect Health

  1. Freedom from blockages. Freedom from diets, freedom from religions and politicians, freedom from advices from grand parents and others. Your Self, your I-ness is grade and you are self sufficient. You don’t need any guidance from anybody.
  2. Be productive and creative. You must produce and create values for yourself and others. Forget about sacrificing your self for others. If you are strong, healthy and wise then you become a lighthouse and others are lightened by you, without their knowledge.
  3. Love yourself, your body. Your life is very precious. Collect useful knowledge and practice good things always.
  4. Live the present. The past is gone, the future is unknown. Love accept and be proud of yourself.
  5. When you have the choice, try to eat the most healthy food. Eat only when you are hungry. Chew very well every mouthful. Do not listen to books about diets.
  6. Rejuvenate your body with ozone therapy once or twice per year.
  7. Sleep well. Getting to sleep. Staying asleep. Waking up rested. These are simple things most of us pay absolutely no attention to, until we are deprived of them. Sleep is easy to take for granted, but once it is gone you deeply appreciate how much good, it contributes to your life.
  8. Have you lost muscle mass, tone or strength and earned fat? Exercise your self with aerobics and body building and eat proper food.
  9. Meditate for 20 minutes in the morning or in the afternoon. You don’t need a teacher of meditation or a mantra to do this. Just sit comfortable in a room allowing nobody to disturb you, close your eyes, feel your body on the seat, listen to the sounds around you and observe any thoughts are coming to your mind. Most of my problems were solved and I created many beautiful and useful things during my meditation program, I am doing every morning.
  10. Hormones are chemicals released by our bodies. They are very important, may be the most important in the anti-aging science. Learn about them, but use them only under the guidance of a specialist. I am 75 years old and I heard about them few months ago. But it's never late.

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