Friday, May 31, 2013

Telomerase for Longevity

Today I started using Epitalon (Freeze dried Protein Peptide) and I am the first to take it in my country. The Epitalon regulates cell function by triggering the production of telomerase, which will repair the telomeres, allowing the cells to become young again and to produce other cells.
Long telomeres will also help correct errors in DNA during cell division and prevent cellular degeneration.

Epitalon is very expensive (430 U.S. dollars for two bottles). I am going to write in the future about the results. Unfortunately, I didn’t follow the directions of use. Instead of removing the second cap, fill with sterile water (distilled water or reverse osmosis non-mineralized water) to the first mark on the left side of the vial’s label. Replace the cap and swirl the mixture until the powder is totally dissolved and removing the cap again and fill to the second line with wine.

I didn’t swirl the mixture until the powder was totally dissolved and immediately I filled the vial with wine and also I surpassed the second mark. But I don’t want to throw it away and I started taking it doubling the recommended amount to finish the first bottle in less time and start the second bottle following the directions. So, for the moment, let’s see whether there will be any results after these mistakes of mine

My own E.F.T (Emotional Freedom Technique)

  • I am strong
  • I am wise
  • I am charming
  • My health is radiant
  • I feel beautifully 
  • I love and accept myself
  • I love and forgive myself 
  • I love and admire myself 
  • I live the present
  • The past has gone 
  • The future is unknown
  • I live in abundance
  • I get whatever I want. 
  • I take everything as a fact 
  • I enjoy every day considering that day as the last
  • I am proud of my charismas
  • Every day I am evolving
  • Life is experiences
  • Life is adventures 
  • My basic rules are 
  • Reality 
  • Honesty 
  • Creativity
  • I create values 
  • I thing big

More about E.F.T. at  Wikipedia

Monday, May 20, 2013

Cleansing and detoxifying my body - Coffee enema

To day, I opened my eyes at 8 o’clock in the morning, which means that I was sleeping for more than 9 hours. I had a sensation of heaviness in my body. My muscles were stiff and painful and my mood was not very good. I couldn’t read or write anything, neither to do any exercises. The only thing which was possible for me was to make my morning program of visualization and meditation which takes me 30 minutes. My tongue was bitter and it was obvious that my body needed detoxification

So I decided to stay with water only until the bitterness goes away. At 6.45 in the afternoon I went to the place I am practicing Sungazing. It was programmed to do it for 43 minutes and 40 seconds. But I was doing a series of mistakes. When I arrived at the spot of Sungazing, on a hill outside my town, I discovered that for the first time I forgot my time meter. I said to my self that maybe I could do it using my mobile. Trying to fix it to ring after 43 minutes and 40 seconds it fell from my hand on the ground and I couldn’t fix it. So I decided to finish with the Sungazing and go home. I was driving my car my eyes were blurry and my mind crazy. I was driving very carefully.
So when I arrived home I realized that it was obvious that the situation in my stomach was not very good. I decided to empty my stomach from all these liquids. I drunk 3 glasses of lukewarm water with a little salt. Then I put a little olive oil on my index finger and with that finger I tickled the end of my tongue. A tried to threw out everything from my stomach. It was a green and bitter liquid. I can tell you it was a stressful procedure.

Then I remembered that In my house there was organic coffee. So decided to take a coffee enema. I prepared the enema using 3 spoonfuls of that coffee. First I took 3 enemas with lukewarm water to empty my intestines and to allow the coffee liquid to stay with ease in the colon for 13-15 minutes. Then I put the coffee into hot water the way they prepare coffee. I put it into the enema bag and allow the coffee water to enter my intestines. Then I lied down on my right side the way the baby lies in the belly of a pregnant woman. Knees on my stomach and hands on my knees and chin on my chest. The first pain which came was unbearable. I tightened my teeth. I had to try my best to allow the water to stay in the colon for 13-15 minutes. As I understand the caffeine penetrates the colon then enters the blood stream and when it passes through the liver, the liver can’t afford the caffeine and opens the pipes from where the poisons flow dawn into the stomach. When the 13th minute finished I couldn’t stand it and I threw out everything from my intestines. There was a great relief. My mind could work properly Usually my joy comes from the conviction that I am a tough man, that I am an achiever.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Problems with lungs

Some years ago, I visited Athens. There were troubles between the police and many hooded young persons. My hotel was in the middle of the troubles. I stayed there for one week. Everywhere there were smokes and tear gazes. I was walking having a piece of cloth on my nose, and unfortunately I started suffering from COPD.

COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary (PULL-mun-ary) disease, is a progressive disease that makes it hard to breathe. "Progressive" means the disease gets worse over time.

COPD can cause coughing that produces large amounts of mucus (a slimy substance), wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and other symptoms.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of COPD. Most people who have COPD smoke or used to smoke. Long-term exposure to other lung irritants—such as air pollution, chemical fumes, or dust—also may contribute to COPD.

I used all the natural means I had in mind and after some years the situation was very complicated. I was coughing, having a lot o phlegms and was awakened after some hours of sleep because of the sound of a snoring. Terrible situation. At the end I decided to visit a lung specialist physician. He did the necessary examinations and he ruled that my situation was very bad. Because of the inflammation and the quantity of phlegm, my lungs could work only 20 per cent. He prescribed for me a Glucocorticoid in peels which as I understand is the precursor of cortisol to fight inflammation and bronchodilators which are medicines that relax smooth muscle around the airways, increasing the calibre of the airways and improving air flow. After 2 weeks the situation of my lungs was improved about 90%. But because the young doctor said to me that after some time I am going to visit him again, because the treatment was not permanent. So I decided to visit a Homeopathic doctor, friend of mine. He prescribed for me a homeopathic supplement, and 3 from Dr. Rath’s products

1 Dr. Rath VitaCforte Synergy Formula is an essential part of any dietary program. It was developed to provide a balanced source of vitamin C and citrus fruit peel bioflavonoids, which have a protective effect on vitamin C.

2 Vitacor: A multi vitamin and mineral formula

3 Epiquercicam. A very strong antioxidant

I already put an order for a supplement called Reduloxin to reduce inflammation.

I will have news about this kind of treatment after may be, one month.

All these thoughts were made and decisions were taken during the Sungazing time.

SUNGAZING - personal experiences - Part 2

“What I know is that I know nothing” was said by the grade philosopher Socrates 2500 years ago. This came to my mind during a sungazing. What am I doing since almost 30 years? I thought that I was following the spiritual path and that at the end I was going to become one with God. I spent so much effort and so much money to do this. If somebody believes that he is a spiritual person, he is wrong, because a spiritual person doesn’t know that he is spiritual. I was so disappointed when I was with people, who were claiming that they were following the spiritual path. And this was 100% confirmed when I leaved for 3 months in a University in U.S practicing meditation for 7 hours a day, for the purpose of raising the quality of consciousness of the people of the U.S. I changed my direction 180 degrees.

And from that day I realized that that what I had to do was to understand, that only reality exists, and that Myself, my I ness, my soul, the thing that remains after death is on the very top and doesn’t need any guidance from anybody or from anything. I rejected everything that was said to me by religions, politicians, my parents. Now I believe to myself and any fear of guilt produced by all those persons, all the ideas, all blockages were rejected by myself. I was free.

But they say that when a big change is going to happen in your life you must suffer. It is a credit and debit procedure.

So one day I went to pee and instead there were only drops coming out. I realize immediately that there was a prostate problem. The usual procedure, that almost everybody is doing after this situation, is visit a specialist physician. And of course the doctor prescribes an operation to be done. But I know that after such an operation there are some permanent side effects. And also I needed a lot of money. Some thousands of Euro which I didn’t have. So I bought a supplement containing Saw Palmento, I started drinking a lot of pure water and in the meantime I was doing a research in the Internet. A supplement in the name of “Pro Teva Plus” seemed to be the best solution for the time. The manufacturers of this supplement claimed that:
To maintain "perfect peeing" you have to give support to your kidneys AND bladder AND prostate!
ProTeva Plus is the natural breakthrough that helps maintain all three of these key players in your "pee system."

So you can keep...
Fully draining your bladder so it's HOURS until you feel the urge to go again...
Enjoying peace of mind, even when you DON'T know where the nearest restroom is...
Promoting healthy bladder tone and function...
And reducing nighttime bathroom trips for a more restful night's sleep.

I immediately put an order for three items and fortunately, after 2 months the claim of the manufactures is a reality. Part 3 follows.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Sungazing - Personal experiences - Part 1

There are two groups of people. I can call them the usual persons and the challengers. The first group of persons they just live on earth without any desire for growth and they know nothing about evolution. These persons when they reach 50 years of age they discover that they suffer from high blood pressure, they visit a doctor and the doctor prescribes for them a pill to be taken everyday and they feel good. Then after some years they discover that now their cholesterol is high and again they visit their doctor and he describes for them a new peel. And then a problem of the heart comes, and then cancer. And these people thing that this is very natural. If a person of fifty years has high level of cholesterol this is very natural. It is also natural that they will die in some years

But the second group, the challengers, they are the fighters. Their purpose of life is to grow, to evolve. They have new ideas and usually they are the creators of new useful things. They love themselves and life for them is very precious. They love adventures and new experiences. They believe in longevity and even some of them believe that they are immortals. New knowledge, reality, creativity and honesty are the rules of life for the most of them.

I belong to the second group. I am a challenger. So, when I heart about Sungazing, immediately I checked the internet and started reading about it. In the afternoon during the last our of the day, I did the first 10 seconds of Sungazing. Standing bare foot on the earth and looking at the Sun. The other day I did another 10 seconds and so on. Either during the first hour of the day or during the last. I new from the beginning that this procedure will continue until I will have completed 44 minutes, which means that if things are going well I would need 9 months. But because there are cloudy days and I cannot gaze the sun, or because it is too cold and I cannot afford the cold earth with bare feet, or because of travelling abroad, a period of about one year or more is required..

When I started sungazing about a year ago, I was very weak and in some parts of my body like the ass and arms there was only skin and bone. So after a month I started worrying about the future. How can I stand on my bear feet for 15 minutes and then for 30 minutes and at the end for 44 minutes? So I visited a bodybuilder friend of mine. My friend showed to me the exercises I had to do, to increase the muscle mass in the upper arms. I started doing these exercises every day and in the meantime I started eating foods reach in proteins and also eating whey protein in powder. Then I added glutamine and BCAA and Nitric oxide.

After a month there were good results and I decided to start bodybuilding exercises in a nearby fitness center. I was exercising my body and in the meantime I was preparing a diet for bodybuilders. I did a lot of research and I learned and applied a lot of useful things. Now my arms are like a young man and I feel so good when I am sitting on a chair. I am sitting now on muscles and not on skin and bone. I am sure that during this year of sungazing I did a lot of mistakes, but if I was asked about the results of sungazing and how I feel, I will answer: “I just have the same feeling of the man who swam the English Channel, or of the man who climbed the Everest”. I have achieved something grade. I am proud of myself.

I live to evolve. I take advantage of everything which is advancing me. The University, the knowledge I am taking, the good friends I have, the travelling, my wife, my son and of course the sungazing. I take advantage of everything only for a purpose. To evolve myself. So now I know. Sungazing is another way to evolve.To make me see the world from another aspect. There isn’t any purpose of life without the urge for evolution. And to make this happening I must be strong, healthy, wise and charming .

Then winter came. And it was cold and some periods very cold. May be it was better for me to wait until March arrives. But my urge for Sungazing was very strong. So, I tried to find a way to solve the problem of the cold earth. If my feet are cold I am couching a cold and I am suffering. So, how to make the earth I was standing on, warm? I thought of taking some sand of the sea and warm it up before going to the sungazing. I went to a beach and took some sand. It was like velvet. I used a pot and a microwave oven. I was pouring it on the spot where I was going to sungaze.

The best way to do sungazing is to stand on the earth and look at the sun in a relaxing mode. But instead of doing this I did a lot of wrong things. Visualization and stretching my muscles, breathing exercises, standing on a rock instead of earth, but I don’t feel any guilt about this. The good thing is that today I am going to gaze the sun for 43 minutes and 30 seconds, which means that in 3 days, if there are no clouds during the time of sungazing, I will finish this technique. I want to share my thoughts, experiences and adventures with you and to prove that our abilities are limitless. What were the benefits of sungazing for almost a year?

Self-confidence, better eyesight, very easy to meditate, better focusing on what I read, are some of the benefits. But what happened during this year which may or may not be due to the Sungazing, I will write in the second part.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Cleanse and purify myself, beginning with the colon 2

For many years I am using everything to make my colon strong and effective. Herbs, water treatment, enemas, oxygen therapy, ozone therapy, Urotherapy, 7 days drinking only water, 14 days having only orange juice, Pancha karma, Su Jok and many other means.. I am now 75 years old and what I gained from all these, is that I am in good health, but my colon still needs help. It is obvious that the damage done to the intestines is permanent. An absolutely healthy person goes to the toilet for evacuation at least twice a day or even better after each meal he takes. So the solution should be to have always something which is going to help my colon, and this should be just emptying it with ease, unless the science can transplant to me a new colon.

The best solution for me: Taking everyday one or two capsules of Oxy Powder Magnesium + Citric Acid and one scoop of Benvia Gold (Chia seed, Salvia hispanica) the best fiber I know. Try to buy it through the Internet. First thing in the morning take 1 to 2 capsules of Oxypowder with two glasses of water and the juice of half a lemon. Take your breakfast one hour after. You can put Benvia Gold in every liquid you are drinking even in salads and food. These directions are only for those who have a permanent constipation problem. I have to mention, also, that I am the author and publisher of two books (in Greek) with the title “Cleanse and Purify Yourself No.1 and No.2

Water is the most essential nutrient for human life.

Our bodies are composed of two thirds water

I was preparing to go for sungazing (I started this about a year ago, beginning with 10 seconds gazing the sun during the first and the last hour of the day. Today I did 44 minutes and 20 seconds and for no reason I said to myself: lets drink a lot of water. So I drunk one and a half of absolutely good water (Reverse osmosis water). From what I know it is the best water available to me. The weather was rather hot. (between 30 and 35 degrees Celcius). When I finished the Sungazing I drunk another half liter of water. I am writing this story now and the strange thing is that I don’t have any urge to urinate at all. Of course I was perspiring during the Sungazing and even now. The question I put to myself now is: what was going to happen to my body if I was not drinking any quantity of water? I am not a specialist to solve this problem, but am sure that by drinking this water I did a benefit to myself. So drink a lot of water ( specialists say that you have to drink 2 liters every day. But be careful about the quality of the water you are drinking I reject the water of my town and I reject the spring water in plastic bottles. So read more about water coming out of a reverse osmosis device or distilled water. If you use distilled water then you have to take some minerals because this kind of water is devoid of minerals.

Just to tell you that after two hours I had the first urination and that my tongue is a bit bitter, which means that a kind of detoxification happened to me. Also the pain on my leg, because of a breakage of muscles, is less. May be because some liquids passed through those muscles and cleanse them.

NOTE: I will write about my experiences in Sungazing after about 16 days when I will finish 44 hours of sungazing. That will be the end of the exercise.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Apple Pie Recipe

I love to have a fruit after a meal. But this is not healthy. The fruits are digested in 30 minutes, but the meat in 4 hours. So the fruit stays in the stomach waiting for 4 hours. But a cooked fruit is good. So I created this recipe to be able to enjoy a kind of apple-pie after a meal. This recipe contains a lot of fibers and is very good for the colon. This is a very healthy pie with very few calories.

  • 4 apples (medium size)
  • ½ spoonful cinnamon
  • 1/2 spoonful sesame with skin
  • 1 spoonful pumpkin seeds
  • ½ spoonful linseed
  • ½ glass of desiccated coconut
  • ¾ of a glass of soaked almonds, without skin
  • A little stevia sugar if you like it to be more sweet
  1. Cut the skin from the apples and remove also the hard little things from the center of the apples.
  2. Put the apples and the almonds in a blender and melt them.
  3. Put 2 glasses of water (I use reverse osmosis water) in a pot on fire. Medium temperature.
  4. Put the sesame, the pumpkin and the linseed seeds into a grinding mill and grind.
  5. Then put everything into the boiling water
  6. Cook for 30 minutes or until the water is evaporated. Watch during cooking. It may need more water.
  7. Then refrigerate
Enough for 6 persons