Thousands of books and millions of specialists speak about foods and diets. And almost everybody speaks about different things. They forget that people are different. I tried so many diets and none was not only perfect, but even good for me. Some of them were catastrophic. So after many years of research and trials I decided that if somebody follows the following rules, he will be by 90% in the right path.
- I eat only when I am hungry.
- I eat seated on a table.
- I chew very well every mouthful until it becomes liquid.
- The portion I eat is from small to medium size and after finishing I can work, exercise or even do sex.
- If I have the chance to choose, I take the newly cooked food than the yesterday’s, the organic than the usual, the food that was cooked by a positive person than that, which was cooked by a negative person.
- I prefer to eat with other good and happy people.
- Never eat together with a vegetarian person of any other person who follows a special diet. With their observations they create a very negative environment.
- It’s good for everybody to have a good knowledge about, proteins, carbohydrates and fats and to understand that the body needs those three nutrients and also vitamins, minerals, micro nutrients, hormones and enzymes.
- The purpose of the food I eat, is to make me strong and wise.
- I let every vegetable and fruit to stay into water with a small portion of Higa’s Microorganisms. In 15 minutes they eat all the bud substances and all poisons.
- I eat for longevity, even for immortality.
- And if somebody invites me for dinner in his house I like to eat what is served.
- The protein foods (meat, fish, eggs) must be eaten first. If the stomach is completely empty, it contains lots of hydrochloric acid and protein foods are digested almost immediately.
- The fruits are eaten alone, half an hour before meals or three hours after a meal.
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