Friday, April 26, 2013

Sleep: The Revitalizer - Sleep well!

Getting to sleep, Staying asleep. Waking rested. These are simple simple things most of us pay no attention to, until we are deprived of them. Sleep is easy to take for granted, but once it is gone you deeply appreciate how much good it contributes to your life.

Sleep is necessary and integral state that permits mental and physical restoration. Adequate restful sleep, like diet, exercise, and supplement habits, is critical to good health. Insufficient restful sleep can result in mental and physical health problems.

Sleep is one of the most basic and universal activities in which we all engage. Sleep is necessary and integral state, that permits mental and physical restoration. Adequate restful sleep, like diet and exercise, is critical to good health. Insufficient restful sleep can result in mental and physical health problems. Yet, getting to sleep, staying asleep, and waking refreshed can be highly elusive to most of us some of the time and to many of aw all of the time.

But as we age, the quality of our sleep declines. The deep and easy sleep we had as children is replaced by a lighter, more agitated sleep. We start to have trouble falling asleep or getting back to sleep when we wake up during the night. We just lie there, drowsy, with too-short periods of real sleep braking now and then. We wake up in the morning more tired than we were the night before. Too many of us too often turn to tranquilizers and other sleeping aids, but they offer only the illusion of help. When they “work” all they do is induce poor-quality sleep anyway.

Sleeping well means feeling rested and restored and ready to face the day when you get up in the morning. Sleeping well improves your mood and lets you get done whatever you need to, with enthusiasm, ease and pleasure.

How much sleep do we need? The general rule of thump have been eight hours per night.

A number of factors commonly associated with aging may interrupt, delay, or shortened sleep. As we age, nighttime sleep is likely to be disturbed for a number of reasons:
  • Decreased secretion of melatonin.
  • Frequent waking at night to go to the bathroom.
  • Accentuated sensitivity to light and sound.
Personally I suffered the most because of lack of sleep. I used everything you can imagine including tranquilizers. I was getting always more, and more knowledge about sleep. For the past two months after studying about hormones, I am using melatonin. But it seems that melatonin is not the solution. What is causing troubles for my sleep is the nervous system of my stomach.

Bad things for me
  • To go to sleep with heavy or empty stomach.
  • After having an argument in high tones with somebody.
  • When a catch a cold even very mild.
  • When I am in a place like a disco.
  • When I have a nap even for 5 minutes on the sofa in front of the television after having my dinner.
  • I there is light and sounds in the place I am going to sleep.
  • If a sleep with another person.
  • If If there is Geopathic stress in the place where my bed stands
  • If the direction of my head whilst in bed is in a bad negative according to Feng Shui
  • If my pillow is very thin or very thick
  • If my body is warm or cold.
  • If I watch TV for many hours and especially when what I am watching is not of interest, or may be it is very bad. When I am somewhere with many other people and we sing and dance and generally we are excited. If I have anger.
  • When I am traveling. I cannot sleep in the airplane and further I need a day to recover.
  • When I have to go to the toilet for urination more than one time. Some months ago I had a problem with my prostate and today I am very happy, after using for a month the Pro Teva Plus (North Star) formula with some very effective ingredients.
Good things for me
  • A light dinner to be eaten 2-3 hours before going to bed. My favorite dish is macaroni with low glysemic Index, more protein than the usual macaroni and more fiber or potatoes cooked in the oven with the skin. Both dishes with cooked vegetables and a cooked apple without sugar.
  • When I spend time for solving a Sudoku problem.
  • When my bed is comfortable, the bedroom is very nice and I sleep alone. I need some time for readjustment.
  • When I follow the rules of Feng Shui and the Geopathic Stress
  • The good news is that now I have the necessary relaxing supplements, which I am going to mention because they are really effective They are the following:
  • Niacin, Vitamin B6, calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Taurine, Gaba, L-Theanine, Passion flower extract. The day I bought all these supplements I didn’t have the Advance Sleep Formula (Advanced Bionutriants) by Dr. Robert J. Rowen. I have it now but I must take all these substances and then see what to do with the ready made capsules
  • When my body is neither warm neither cold

The conclusion is that never to stop researching for a solution concerning sleep. Sleep is vital for life and especially for the evolvement of consciousness. I live to evolve.

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